Troubleshooting and Problems


When things just don't seem to work

July 16, 2021

When opening Pinnacle 21 Community 3.1.2, I'm prompted to Log-In with my Pinnacle ID. But when submitting my credentials, the request times out and shows "Unable to establish an internet connection."

Any ways around this?

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July 13, 2021

During validation we faced an issue. It will not generate the validation report.

Can you please tell us what exact reason this error caused " CLI.3.11::Failed processing client task"?

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July 13, 2021

My colleague and I are running P21c Validation on the same datasets with the same version of P21c and the same validation engine, but we get different results. How is that possible?

Overview of P21c

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July 1, 2021

I have two issues: The engine is not accepting my spec file to create a define.xml.

I used  the suggested blank template and filed it to generate a define.xml.

I use the define.xml  along with the xpt files to run the validator but I get an empty report. 

I don't know why the  datasets are not evaluated. there is not other message.



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May 20, 2021

I realize an internet connection is needed in order to use pinnacle21. We want to make an exception to allow the program to be used from our environment. Can you please provide me with the IPs and URLs needed to connect to your authentication server?





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May 12, 2021

I had uninstalled Pinnacle 21 Community and am now needing to reinstall.  However the installation is being aborted.  I noticed that when attempting to re-install as a single user the installation window indicated that there is already a per-user installation and will therefore do a reinstall/upgrade.  I have checked all the folders and ensured there are no Pinnacle 21 folders there, and even ran the forceCompleteCommunityUninstall.bat file. 

Would appreciate any advice on additional files/folders that may need to be removed in order to successfully reinstall.

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April 20, 2021


When creating a define.xml from an excel workbook, Pinnacle 21 Community hangs. Is this due to metadata inconsistencies or some other issue? If metadata inconsistencies, is there a log to help troubleshoot?


EDIT: I worked backwards removing all values in the sheets until I basically got down to the original skeletal define.xlsx that P21 generates from the *.xpt TD and it still hung when trying to create the define.xml.

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April 15, 2021

Here's my current command:

java -jar p21-client-1.0.3.jar --engine.version="FDA 2010.1" --standard=sdtm --standard.version=3.3 --source.sdtm="/Users/server01/Documents/test_17/sas_files/*.xpt" --source.define="/Users/server01/Documents/Pinnacle 21 Community/Define.xml" --cdisc.ct.sdtm.version=2021-03-26 --meddra.version=""  --unii.version=2021-2-12 --ndf-rt.version=2021-04-05 --report="/Users/server01/Documents/Pinnacle 21 Community/reports/s101-sdtm.xlsx"


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April 14, 2021

The downloads page indicates that the source code can be found on Bitbucket.  Unfortunately, I don't see any source code for Community v3.1.0 - only v3.0.2 and earlier.  Would you provide a link to the Community v3.1.0 source code or update the Bitbucket repository with the latest changes?  Thanks!

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April 8, 2021

Currently the "Message" column information of the define.xml validation report is populated with only Chinese in the "Details" tab

This also occurs in the "Rules tab".  This appears to be linked to the new engine, FDA 2010.1.


This issue pertains to the Community validator. An example validation report of a define.xml is provided.  

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