When things just don't seem to work
It appears that in the new version of Pinnacle Community, when define.xml is generated from an Excel spec document, the ItemDef OIDs for value-level metadata are based upon the WhereClause. For instance, our metadata for ADPP.AVAL depends upon the value of ADPP.PARAMCD, resulting in ItemDefs like
I have noticed with version 3.0.0 we now get "validator installation messages" which are very useful but also tad confusing.
For example, when I downloaded version 3.0.0 of P21 Community it came without the latest SDTM and ADaM terminology documents, version 2019-03-29. So after updating the dictionaries (as per the instructions on the P21 forum) I got these "validator installation messages":
I ran CLI validator 2.2.0 on SDTM data using SAS. However the report generated has software version as 2.1.2 and not 2.2.0. Also i have noticed the validation report using CLI vs GUI is different. There are also differences in warnings and errors for 2 domains FA and TS. Attached is a document with differences. Please advise. Thanks a lot for your help.
I tried to run P21 3.0 CLI under Windows 10 64bit, following Validation CLI, but failed.
Below is the command
java -jar p21-client-1.0.0.jar --engine.version="FDA 1903.1" --standard=sdtm --standard.version=3.2 --source.sdtm="." --cdisc.ct.sdtm.version=2018-12-21 --ndf-rt.version=2018-02-05 --report=".\report.xlsx"
And below is one of the messages from the log
Hi all,
In Community version 2.2.0 I was able to easily add custom configurations of the standard define.xml which we used to conduct early and mid-study validations for which not all of the validation rules would necessarily apply. Adding these additional files int he \compnents\config folder wold cause them to appear in the desktop application. I have yet to figure this out for the 3.0.0 version. Any hints would be appreciated.
I used to run the p21 in SAS by calling components\lib\validator-cli-2.1.5.jar using x command for version 2.2. I was wondering if we do have the same for version 3.0 if we do, in which folder we will get this information. Many thanks for your help.
With version 2.2.0 I was able to unzip the folders in a directory of my choosing. For many years I have kept all of these files together in one place. Now, the files always go to:
C:\Users\me\aplace\Documents\Pinnacle 21 Community <=bad place
but I really want it to go to:
C:\Users\me\aplace\Documents\_CDISC\Validators\Pinnacle 21 Community <=good place
Whenever I launch Pinnacle 21 and start a validation, it recreates the Pinnacle 21 Community folder in the bad place instead of my preferred good place.
How can I change the path?
I am seeing something very strange when opening P21 from a shared network drive. Pinnacle 21 Community 3.0.0 has been installed on a shared network drive.
\\<server name>\<folder name>\Pinnacle 21
Now imagine the server is called "ABC01" and the folder is called "MyFolder"
\\ABC01\MyFolder\Pinnacle 21
Of course we assign a "drive letter" to this shared network drive, e.g. "Q".
Q:\Pinnacle 21
Hi Pinnacle 21 team,
Thank you for releasing the new version, it looks amazing.
One issue I faced while creating an account. When I tried to use my gmail account (x.x.x@gmail.com) I got the following message: "Invalid email address, please use another."
Does it mean that gmail addresses cannot be used to create Pinnacle IDs?
Thank you.