When things just don't seem to work
I just using the CLI mode to test, in windows, it running successful, but in Linux, it brings error.
Another one: I get for instance DD0113 - Missing MedDRA reference on 'MHBODSYS' variable. Here is the code in define.xml:
<Description><TranslatedText xml:lang="en">Body System or Organ Class</TranslatedText></Description>
<CodeListRef CodeListOID="cl.MedDRA_SOC.Label"/>
<def:Origin Type="Assigned"/>
I just validated an adam define.xml with the latest P21 3.0.1, and I get a few messages "DD0042 - Missing Method reference". They seem to occur in two situations:
1. variable A is derived, and has no derivation explanation, because there is value-level metadata for A where X and A where Y, each with a different derivation explanation.
Today, I tried to install Pinnacle21 Validator on a notebook computer as a second installation (for demos at customers).
It looks as my username/password is refused during installation (tried at least 10 times). On my main computer the combination works without problems.
Can it be that one needs a separate Pinnacle21 ID for each separate installation?
The net.bootstrap.api libraries are missing from the community-cli. I understand it is proprietary and the source code wouldn't be available. The Bootstrap library seems to be used throughout the project and the application fails to build without it's binaries. Would it be possible to get either the binaries or a workaround for the issue. I get the below error message in my POM.xml file. Screenshot attached!
Missing artifact
Any advice or directions would be really helpful.
I've noticed when testing CLI validation of 3.0.1 that there are differences in the results of the validation between CLI and GUI.
Will new periodic releases of CDISC terminology continue to be made available for P21C v2.1.3 and v2.2.0? The latest terminology release listed on the download page is 2019-03-29.
What's the proper command-line syntax to request a validation report in CSV format (assuming this format is still supported in the new CLI)?
I've tried a file extension of *.csv. with the arguments "--report.type=csv" and/or "--output.format=csv" (full argument list shown below) but it always defaults to Excel in the end.
Thanks in advance for any help.
Selected log output:
2019-08-21 01:17:47 [main] INFO n.p.oce.model.input.ParseResults - Loaded parameters |
I am experiencing several issues when using V3.1. to generate the define.xml
First the expand all VLM and Collapse all VLM buttons are showing and not doing anything.