When things just don't seem to work
Would you kindly help me re the followin error I frequently get when running a validation against an ODM output:
I was wondering if there is a way to, once a custom config file is created, have the client allow that custom config file to be an option in the drop down menu?
I noticed that there is a trace log on my machine with messages like the following:
2010-03-19 23:51:34,222;WARN;org.opencdisc.validator.DefaultValidator;Removing rule due to an unrecoverable exception;SD0003;
2010-03-19 23:51:34,222;WARN;org.opencdisc.validator.DefaultValidator;Removing rule due to an unrecoverable exception;SD0003;
Is this something that I should be concered about - is the validator working correctly?
I started the client.bat and the Configuration field is blank. There is not choice in the Drop down.
Jacques Lanoue
I have just downloaded the USB version of the "opencdisc-validator-1.0" and I am trying to validate a define.xml file through the CLI using the statement below:
START /B ../Java/jre6/bin/java -jar lib/validator-cli-1.0.jar -source "P:\joris\opencdisc\define.xml" -config "F:\AMSI\general\Dms\CDISC\OpenCDISC\opencdisc-validator-1.0\opencdisc-validator\config\config-define-1.0.xml" -log "P:\joris\opencdisc\define.txt"
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The property Category is not defined
at org.opencdisc.validator.settings.RuleProperties.getProperty(RuleProperties.java:55)
at org.opencdisc.validator.report.ExcelReporter.setValidationRuleDefinitions(ExcelReporter.java:247)
at org.opencdisc.validator.DefaultValidator.run(DefaultValidator.java:325)
at org.opencdisc.validator.DefaultValidator.validate(DefaultValidator.java:218)
Anyone knows what is the size limitation of this tool to handle SAS files?
Are there any limits to the size of the file it can process.
Let me know. Thanks in advance.
After I open up all my datasets into the program, select websdm.xml as the configuration file, check both report settings and then click start, it beings generating report and seems to stop at "Generating Lookup Caches". What step is this and does it have anything to do with the file size of the datasets. Is there a max file size that the program can handle?
Sourced file: inline evaluation of: ``!(CMSTDY != null && CMENDY != null) || ((CMSTDY != null && CMENDY != null) && (c . . . '' : Object constructor : at Line: 1 : in file: inline evaluation of: ``boolean compare(lhs, rhs, operator) { if(lhs == null || rhs == null) { return fa . . . '' : new Integer ( rhs .toString ( ) )
Target exception: java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: " -12"
Hi! I am getting the following error after I select the path of the XPT files, choosing one of the three configurations (WebSDM or Janus or Open CDISC) and then clicking the start button. I'll appreciate your help. Thank you. Paul
at java.nio.Buffer.nextGetIndex(Unknown Source)
at java.nio.HeapByteBuffer.getInt(Unknown Source)
at org.opencdisc.validator.data.XportSasDataSource.getRows(XportSasDataSource.java:282)
at org.opencdisc.validator.data.XportSasDataSource.getRows(XportSasDataSource.java:211)