When things just don't seem to work
Hi, I just d/l-ed the flash install of the new version.
What am I doing wrong?
I succesfully ran define validation on it.
But when I wanted to run an SDTM validation, the result was as follows.
THE suing of validator has following message
how can we do that.
After we ran the checks, we received few Parsing Errors with the message 'error parsing source' with the category as System. We received these errors for different domains and we were not able to understand what is the meaning behind this, how to understand and resolve it. Any information, help is very much appreciated. Thanks.
I have installed to a Windoes Server 2003 SP2 32bit. When executing client.bat, I get the message "Could not create Java virtual machine". I have reviewed other posts and replies. I ran the check_java.bat file and got the following
Not sure if this has already been asked earlier and sorry for repeating if it has been. I was successfully able to install and run the validator on windows and now i am trying to run it on SunOS 5.10 (SUN X64) platform and also on windows through command line where i get the error "unable to access jarfile validator.jar. I am not sure where am i going wrong.
I am having a problem running the "client.bat" file as per the installation instructions. I receive the following error message:
I have my PATH set up to include: C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.6.0_06\bin and I am using a version of Java greater than 1.5.
I have Google'd the problem but was also hoping I could get some assistance here.
Many thanks.
I downloaded the new validator and checked my version of Java, which is 1.5.0_06. When I double click on client.bat, I get a pop-up message saying "Could not create the Java virtual machine." I tried modifying the "path" to include the java location and I am still unable to get it to work. Please help!
Just installed opencdisc on my flash drive. When I clikc the client.bat, I get the error "Windows cannot find '../Java/jre6/bin/javaw' [etc etc]
What do I need to change and where to get this to work?
Thanks in advance
I believe the SasTransportDataSource class reads in the final padding bytes (0x20) of a file as records if the variable is a double rather than discarding them.
I have a fix for this which I could submit?
Just wondering if openCDISC is deployed in a public maven repository somewhere.