Troubleshooting and Problems


When things just don't seem to work

February 6, 2013
We are upgrading to a Windows 2008 64 bit server, and when testing OpenCDISC on a large (17 million records, or 10G of data) study, I am getting various domains in the Unprocessed Sources area of the report with a Reason as "Validation Aborted". OpenCDISC appears to run and complete as usual and I am not seeing error messages pop up that would indicate a problem. This study runs fine on our old server as well as a laptop. Is there a way to trace the process so that I can tell what is going on?
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January 30, 2013

our files are on Windows 2003 file server and we reference the folders via DFS links.  I am having problem browse to the subfolders via the dfs links.


I am running Windows 7 Enterprise version, 64 bit; OpenCDSIC Validator 1.3 and java runtime is  1.6.0_21




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November 21, 2012

I've written a SAS macro that builds a BAT file to run OpenCDISC validator.  It's robust - user can control model, IG version, location of XLS file, etc. - but one thing I can't figure out is how to specify a list of XPT files to validate (currently, the only options are all XPTs or a single one).   The SOURCE parameter for a single dataset looks like:

-source="projectDirectory\adpe.xpt" ^
I've tried variations such as:

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November 6, 2012

I’ve down loaded the latest version of the OpenCDISC tool (v1.3) and I'm in the process of setting it up for our user group.  The users work on a UNIX (Solaris 8 - 64bit) server.  The UNIX server has 4 dual core 1.2 Ghz CPUs and 32 M memory.  I have been able to get the tool to work but it much slower than I expected.

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October 29, 2012


Hi there.  I am new to the OpenCDISC validator tool and made some progress with my delimited datasets but:

 I am getting numerous errors re codelists e.g. "...Lab Test or Examination Short Name (LBTESTCD) variable values should be populated with terms found in 'Laboratory Test Code' (C65047) CDISC controlled terminology codelist..."

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August 1, 2012


Since the project uses Java, I'm assuming no one has done this, but I'd thought I check anyhow.

I was trying to generate C# classes based on the validator1-0-0.xsd schema ( in order to read the config files for SEND.  I was hoping to be able to use the OpenCDISC SEND configuration files since they pretty much layout the entire SEND format in a way that I can work with programmatically.

I copied all the xsd files from the SVN resources folder as well as the ODM v1.2.1 schema files into a folder:

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June 22, 2012

I have downloaded the OpenCDISC Validation Tool and uploaded the examples of SDTM 3.1.2 to Validation. The Result is generated in Excel Sheet . In Excel Sheet, Result says "Missing Configuration" .Can somebody help me to troubleshoot the problem or provide the steps to resolve this issue.



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May 2, 2012

I just tried to reply to an intial comment and got a spam filter block from the website.

This does not seem right

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May 1, 2012


It looks like the CSV file report for Validator 1.3 is not working quite right.

The file has the columns

Name, Record, Variable, Value, Rule ID, Message, Category, Type, Severity.

However it looks like Severity is blank and Type has the data that Severity should have. See the attached sample file

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April 27, 2012

Hi All,


I tried to validate a serie of the SDTM domains (xpt files) and got the beow error.

Any help will be much appreciated.

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