i want to konw why i get this error when i call validation with CLI :"ERROR net.bootstrap.utils.S3Loader - Failed to download file: release/engine/engines_v4.json".The internet is limited by our new remote system and every domain in domain list is added to Whitelist.it's normal when i use P21 app.But this path(release/engine/engines_v4.json) can't be found.Is the file(engines_v4.json) need to be download when call P21 with CLI? so how should i do to solve it?
Because P21 installed on Windows Server by our company has network restrictions on P21, we need to know the network connection test URL and JSON download URL, and then add them to the whitelist. I hope you can inform us, thank you very much
由于我公司在Windows server上安装的P21,对P21进行了网络限制,需要知道网络连接测试网址和json下载的网址,然后加入白名单,希望能告知一下,非常感谢
Hi, i installed folder of meddra in P21,and then i call validation with CLI. but i got
" ERROR n.p.oce.events.CommandLineReporter - Exception: CLI.3.9::Control terminology does not exists::Cannot find metadata version=12.0 in folder=/MedDRA: Process error."
what kind of folder should i install to make it ok?or some kind of file? following is my choice of files.
您好,如主题描述,ADaM Define出Analysis Results Metadata时,如果 "arm:AnalysisDataset"中有多个"def:WhereClauseRef"元素时会有Error,详见截图。删掉8414行的def:WhereClauseRef元素只保留一个时没有Error。想确认下是不是不可以同时有多个"def:WhereClauseRef"元素?
在验证功能中,我们发现当前已经支持了SAS XPT V8 格式的验证,但是在XPT文件创建define SPEC的时候,还是仅支持XPT V5,
不知道后续是否有考虑在Create Define.xml SPEC相关功能增加对V8的支持?