
Technical support questions about ADaM standard and validation rules

December 29, 2014


I have some problems with the validation rules AD0041, AD0042 and AD0043.

I validated some ADaM domains and the validator raised some format errors for all the date/time variables. I checked the formats of the variables and it seems that they are consistent with the ADaM requirements (DATE9., TIME5. and DATETIME19.)

Hereinafter I have reported an example of the error messages for the ADSL domain:

Domain|Record|Count|Variables|Values|OpenCDISC ID|Publisher ID|Message|Category|Severity

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November 19, 2014


Some studies include start or end elements with No Treatment, and the treatment starts after the first period, or it ends before the last period, at least for some Arms in the study. So TR01SDT value may be null for some subjects, or max period TRxxEDT column value may be null for some subjects.

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October 14, 2014


In one of the study, I have more than 10 criterion flag to be populated for analysis.

Now opencdisc restrict more than 9 criterion is kind of unexpected. Is there any reason to restrict with minimal criterion?

Thanks and Regards,


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October 7, 2014
This rule The primary variable -- is not populated but its corresponding variable -- is populated covers some variable exceptions like TRTPN. I think it's reasonable to include TRTAN like an exception. I cannot see why TRTAN can get an error but not TRTPN. Could you take a look to this issue? Thanks. Miguel
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October 7, 2014
This rule 'Inconsistent value for --CAT--' is based on a few ADaM rules (221,222,224,226). All *CATy values must be the same for each unique value of the variable it categorizes within a PARAMCD. e.g. AVALCATy to AVAL. I think this rule doesn't cover a very feasible scenario: AVAL not available but AVALC populated, so it could be possible to create AVALCATy from AVALC. This scenario obviously gets an error that it should be avoided. Do you think you can do something with this issue? Thanks. Miguel
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August 25, 2014
Hi, I tried to validate an ADaM compliant dataset with the using the Dataset-XML source format but got the following error: SD0062 : Incompatible data source. Does that mean that XML is not recognized? I tried with SDTM domains provided with the example package of DS-XML and it seems to work just fine. I wonder what might generate this error. I also attached the coresponding Define.xml file. Thanks Pierre
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July 25, 2014

Hi am getting the follosing erros for the DTYPE variable using validator Version 1.5 for Definexml V2.0:

xpath Variables Values

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April 23, 2014


I've ran across a similar posting and I was hoping you could help me address this issue.
I still get this error in both validators, 1.4.1 and 1.5. My lab data is out to 12+ decimal places and uses average values for baseline, so CHG is super tiny. From the report below:

BASE, CHG, AVAL 11.58300018, -0.00000095, 11.58299923


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April 3, 2014


I keep getting this warning when i run my checks, but i cant see any other way to do it. 

In ADEG for example, I have PARAMCD=RRMEAN, HRMEAN etc... 

Then i have several CRITx variables which are blank, or populated with CRIT1='QTcF > 450ms' or

CRIT2='QTcF increase from baseline > 30ms' for example. 

Then I get the error because some are blank and some populated within a unique PARAMCD. 

Can someone help! Or suggest another way to create these criteria variables. 



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March 28, 2014

In validation checks V1.2 checks 184 - 193 stipulate that the lowercase y in a variable name (e.g. SITEGRy) should be a single digit. I am wondering if this rule only applies to the variables mentioned in the "Machine-Testable Failure Criteria column? Or also to the CRITy variable. I have 2 reasons for asking:

1. In some cases we have more than 10 CRIT flags in our dataset

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