b Bedeoan



SEND specs:

The parameters listed as “Yes” in the “Should Include” column should always be included in the Trial Summary dataset, in order to provide proper study definition.

There are a lot of parameters with "Should Include"="Yes" (AGEU, ROUTE, etc), but the validator does not seem to report warning / error when one of these parameters is missing from TS.xpt...

Is this a validation that will be implemented in the future?

Or the recommendation from SEND specs can be ignored?


Forums: Validation Rule Suggestions

s Sergiy
on November 12, 2012


Yes, I agree that expected Trial Summary parameters in the study data should be populated and the OpenCDISC validator needs to enforce those it.

Thank you, 

Sergiy Sirichenko


b Bedeoan
on November 13, 2012

Hi, Sergiy,

Thansk for the fast reply.

Some additional questions:

Let's say that for the same study we use 2 different routes (e.g. "Dermal" and "Gavage"). How to represent this into TS.xpt? 2 lines for TSPARMCD=ROUTE: first with TSPARM="Dermal" and TSSEQ=1, the next with TSPARM="Gavage" and TSSEQ=2?

Also, if we administer 2 different compounds, each with a different vehicle (C1 with V1 and C2 with V2), they should be linked via TSGRPID like below?





Note: validations for TSSEQ and TSGRPID should also be done in TS by the Validator.




s Sergiy
on November 13, 2012

Hi Amelia, 

It should be one-to-one relationship between values of --PARM and --PARMCD variables. Therefore your TS may be something like this:


TS domain example data with selected columns
1 Treatment1 TRT Investigational Therapy or Treatment Compound 1
2 Treatment2 TRT Investigational Therapy or Treatment Compound 2
1   ROUTE Route of Administration Dermal
2  ROUTE Route of Administration Gavage
1 Treatment1 TRTV Treatment Vehicle V1
2 Treatment2TRTV Treatment VehicleV2



b Bedeoan
on November 23, 2012

Hi all,

Another scenario similar to the previous one, but with just one compound and two vehicles - both vehicles are used for the same compound.

How can you relate the vehicles to the compound via TSGRPID? I assume you can't add the same compound (TRT) twice, each time with a new TSGRPID for vehicle1 and vehicle2. And you can't have 2 entries in TSGRPID for TRT...

Should I just just add 1 compound, 2 vehicles and no TSGRPID for none of them?


TS domain example data with selected columns TSSEQ TSGRPID TSPARMCD TSPARM TSVAL 1 ??
TRT Investigational Therapy or Treatment Compound
1   ROUTE Route of Administration Dermal 2   ROUTE Route of Administration Gavage 1 Treatment1 TRTV Treatment Vehicle V1 2 Treatment2 TRTV Treatment Vehicle V2
s Sergiy
on November 23, 2012


Do you really need to use TSGRPID in this case?

I think that if you listed one compound and two different drug vehicles, then it's quite straight forward what actual study treatments are.



b Bedeoan
on November 23, 2012

I was just looking at the previous example: 2 compounds - each with its vehicle, linked via TSGRPID, and I was wondering if we can do something similar in my otrher case.

So... not sure if I really need TSGRPID here :)

I could ignore it also for the previous example (2 compounds - each with its vehicle); what do you think?


b Bedeoan
on January 9, 2013

Same observation for the expected Trial Sets parameters: ARMCD, SPGRPCD, GRPLBL, TRTDOS, TRTDOSU.

These should also be populated in tx.xpt and the Validator should be enhanced to perform these checks.

s Sergiy
on January 9, 2013

Yes, definitely it should be a check similar to TS expected parameters.

Thank you for reminder!


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