j Jennifer


Pinnacle 21 Validator v2.1.1 cannot execute validation on define.xml - validation works fine on v2.0.2.

I can manually correct the file to get the validation to work on v2.1.1, but I can't find that there is any specific requirement in the define-xml standard that requires the particular syntax that

The problem seems due to continuous XML text between stylesheet reference and ODM element. To run validation, some break between sections is necessary. For example, adding <carriage return><new line>

Original XML text:

<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="define1-0-0.xsl"?><ODM CreationDateTime="2016-02-11T15:15:38" FileOID="ABC Inc..STUDY.ABC1234; …

Corrected XML text (ODM element starts with a new line):


<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="define1-0-0.xsl"?>

<ODM CreationDateTime="2016-02-11T15:15:38" FileOID="ABC Inc..STUDY.ABC1234; …

Forums: Troubleshooting and Problems

j Jozef
on June 16, 2016

This is very strange, as one of the requirements of each XML parser it that carriage returns must be completely ignored. An XML document that consists of a single line (even when it is 1GB in size) is identical to and must be treated exactly the same way as when it has millions of line breaks. The only thing that is not allowed is that there are line breaks within element names and attribute names.

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