r Richard


Hi Support,


When running WHODD version Sep23, most of the dictionary terms in the CM.xpt do not match with the dictionary. After checking the dictionary in the P21 folder, it looks like a lot of the terms are missing. The original file size was almost 1GB and P21 changed the file size to 19MB after first validation. Any help on this would be appreciated

Forums: Troubleshooting and Problems

j Justin
on February 6, 2025

Hi Richard, 

At first validation, we convert the dictionary to the format digestible by the validator. This process is a combination of filtering out inactive and outdated concepts and descriptions. Also, in terms of this specific version, the last column in the file is a fixed 4,000 character value, which is mostly wasted white space. This would explain the change in size you're referring to. 

Let us know if you have more questions on this. 

Kind regards, 


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