Forums: Troubleshooting and Problems
Thank you for the question and all the helpful details.
It's important to verify that you run the Community CLI from the same location where your configs folder is placed. Mismatches in this area frequently lead to errors of this type. Does your CLI location match the location set in Preferences - Resources - Configs and Terminology?
It would also be helpful to verify that this configs folder has a subfolder with a name matching the engine version being used. This subfolder should contain the xml file for the standard that they ran and corresponding eTag file with matching name.
I expect those two confirmations to get you beyond your issue, but if not, please let us know what you're experience is and we'll troubleshoot further.
Thanks again for taking the time to write,
Hi Rob,
Thank you for getting back to me!
The CLI (.jar) file was installed according to the P21 CLI guide ( and is located in "C:\Users...\Documents\Pinnacle 21 Community" as per the guide. The configs folder is also in this location.
The "Preferences - Resources - Configs and Terminology" is set to (by default) "C:\Users\...\Documents\Pinnacle 21 Community\configs" and the terminology and MedDRA files are located under "C:\Users\...\Documents\Pinnacle 21 Community\configs\data" with subfolders "\CDISC\SDTM" (similar for ADaM & SEND) and \MedDRA".
The configs folder has the "1907.2" subfolder which we are currently using for this batch file (also installed by default as far as I'm aware). In this subfolder there are eTag and xml files, we are currently working with Standards version 3.2 and I can find .SDTM-IG 3.2 (FDA).eTag and SDTM-IG 3.2 (FDA).xml in this folder.
We are running the following command:
java -jar "C:\Users\...\Documents\Pinnacle 21 Community\p21-client-1.0.3.jar" --engine.version="FDA 1907.2" --standard=SDTM --standard.version=3.2 --source.sdtm="XYZ path to data" --cdisc.ct.sdtm.version=2018-12-21 --meddra.version=19.1 --report="C:\Users\...\Documents\Pinnacle 21 Community\Report.xlsx"
Unrelated to this issue, but since you brought up the "Preferences - Resources - Configs and Terminology" setting which as far as I'm aware isn't avaialble in versions 2.1.3 and 2.2.0 (which we have the most experience with), would you happen to know if it is possible to make the terminology & MedDRA files available to all users and not be user specific? In the 2.1.3 and 2.2.0 versions we installed these in the path of the P21 program itself and these are then available to all users, in this version we need to install them for each user individually which isn't ideal. If we set the "Preferences - Resources - Configs and Terminology" settings path to one similar as in versions 2.1.3 and 2.2.0 would this work similarly (is this setting for all users)?
Thank you again for all the clear details.
We've been unable to reproduce this condition in testing, but we're still working on doing so. The "Incompatible engine used" error means that either engine or controlled terminology files were modified somehow. It will not work to replace any CT files in new Community with those from old Community 2.x.
We believe the path forward is for you to investigate and confirm that files in the configs/1907.2 folder the and configs/data folder have not been touched and modified by any other software than P21 Community.
Sharing the configs directory between different installations is possible. You can set several Community 3.1.0 installations to use the same config folder. We recommend that all users accessing the folder should be logged into their Pinnacle IDs.
Please let us know how your investigation goes, and we'll likewise post updates if we have progress to report from our side.
Thanks again, Rob
We are currently testing P21 Community v3.1.0 via the CLI and noticed that we received a "incompatible engine" used error message in the generated validation report. When we run the exact same data and settings through the P21 interface, we don't see this error message. To make matters a bit more confusing, when we run the exact same batch file again after we already executed it via the P21 interface, we no longer get the error message at all. This happens for each report that is generated via a different SDTM version, which is the only variable I have changed so far. Each time if we run it via the CLI first, we get a report with an incompatible engine error message.
Attached Files