j Jeroen


When validating ADSL via CLI and specifying source domains as library paths, the report is not correct and mentions reject code AD0001 'Missing ADSL dataset'. 

In below code, folder XPT_ADAM contains adsl.xpt and XPT_SDTM contains dm.xpt, ex.xpt, ae.xpt.

x "java -jar "&path\p21-client-1.0.2.jar"

           --engine.version="FDA 1903.1"
           --report="&path\REPORT\Pinnacle21_report_adsl.xlsx" ";

Can this issue get resolved? 

Kind regards,
Jeroen Den Herder (SGS Life Sciences)

Forums: Troubleshooting and Problems

on June 17, 2020

Hi Jeroen,

Thank you for the feedback!

We've reproduced this bug and will work on a solution. It happens only if you provide the source parameter as a path to a folder with a single file inside.

As a workaround, you can add a filename to the source.adam parameter, for example --source.adam="&path\XPT_ADAM\adsl.xpt". Then ADSL will be picked for validation correctly and AD0001 won't fire.



j Jeroen
on November 26, 2020

Apparently this issue is ongoing in updated P21C version 3.1.0. 

Will this still get resolved in a next software version? 

Kind regards, Jeroen

r Robert
on December 3, 2020


Yes, this issue will be resolved in the next Community release.

Until then, the workaround is to add a filename to the source.adam parameter, for example --source.adam="&path\XPT_ADAM\adsl.xpt"

Please let me know if there is anything more I can do to help,

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