For submitting enhancements and feature requests and new project ideas.
The following variables and labels reported as issues in P21 do not match the SDTM 3.2 IG:
PPSTRESC IG="Character Result/Finding in Standard Format" P21 Config=“Result or Finding in Standard Format”
PCSTRESC IG="Character Result/Finding in Standard Format" P21 Config="“Result or Finding in Standard Format”
Will Pinnacle21 Community be updated to include validation rules for DART 1.1 and SEND 3.1.1 prior to March 2023, or approximately, when do these upgrades fit into the Pinnacle21 Community roadmap?
Dear P21,
When validating ADAM data package in P21E, we could specify the MEDDRA version. But in P21C, there is no place to specify MEDDRA version when validating ADAM data packages. Is there any reason why there is such different setting? Thank you very much.
For Pinnacle 21 community, we could only validate the SAS .xpt datasets and the define.xml. In the future, will Pinnacle 21 community add functionality to include data reviewer's guide, XLS stylesheet, SAP, tables (as reference files for define.xml ARM) in the validation package?
P21E study data packages, once it is created, we could not delete it but can only deactivate it. Is it possible that P21E provides us the functionality that we could delete studies or data packages that are no longer used? Or are there any reasons we could not delete them? For example, for cost traceability concern? Thank you.
Only "Configuration:", "Define.xml:", "Generated:", "CDISC SEND CT Version:" and "Validation Engine Version:" are printed on the sheet "Validation Summary" of Pinnacle21 Validator Report.
In this content, we do not know when the report was executed with which version of the validator, so please add the printed version of the executed validator.
best regards
Dear all,
In the blog "Introducing P21 Community 3.0" of May 8, 2019 it was mentioned that "an updated and more detailed CLI documentation will be published in the near future" (see attached screenshot).
When will this become available? The current documentation (P21 website + PharmaSUG paper) is quite limited and does not discuss all available CLI parameters.
Thanks for any update,
Jeroen Den Herder (SGS Life Sciences)
I can't execute the new pinnacle 21 because I have a windows 32 bits.
Woult it be possible to have a download for Windows 32 bits.