For less technical discussions about Pinnacle 21 projects. Not for support questions!
Does Pinnacle 21 maintain a list of known bugs/issues for Pinnacle 21 Community?
While looking to download the Controlled Terminology files released in Dec 2015, I found the following note...
Questionnaires, Ratings, and Scales (QRS) Terminology:
In version 1.x, we used to be able to run OpenCDISC Validator from the command line. Does this still apply to version 2.x of OpenCDISC/Pinnacle 21 Community?
Hi there,
Can you please explain/describe the naming converntion applied to the Validation Rules files? i.e. "DATA x.x.x (FDA)" vs. "DATA x.x.x (PMDA)" vs "DATA x.x.x"
Users are asking and I'm not sure what to tell them since for example SDTM 3.2 is accepted by the FDA.
I looked around the website and scrolled thru the forums but didn't see any explanations for the naming convention.
Many thanks.
Where is the v2.1.0 source code located? I checked but couldn't find it there.
Since we run from a shared server I want to be able to modify the location of the reports and logs folders (so any tips of what/where to change would also be appreciated).
I have recently been reviewing the list of SDTM validation rules on this website, specifically looking for one rule in particular that used to fire when we ran the Open CDISC validator over SDTM data created from our standard CRFs (SD1118).
When I follow the links to the SDTM validation rules, this rule no longer appears for any version of SDTM. I also note that for version 3.1.2, there has been a note for a while that says the page is being updated.
Is there a library where i can download older version of OpenCDISC validators.
Please do let me know.
Thank you.
Is the version 2.0.2 is stable and Is this a good idea to upgrade to the version 2.0.2 or leave it with the current version 2.0.1 ?
According to OpenSource.Org there are 10 criteria that must be satisfied in order for a software to be considered OpenSource.
It appears that the License Agreement on the website is not in agreement with a number of these criteria. Specifically criteria 1 and 4. If so why do you consider OpenCDISC to be Open Source.