Forums: Troubleshooting and Problems
Hi Victor,
This issue is considered as a "new functionality" introduced in recent releases.
Enterprise version (P21E) does not require users define any ID when entering study metadata. The system generates all ID automatically. When importing Excel specs into P21E, a tool regenerates ID values to fix potential errors.
Community version uses some modules from P21E. Therefore algorithm was changed. Now ID values in define.xml file are re-assigned by the tool. Original IDs in excel specs are not stored.
I understand that such approach requires an extra step during diagnostics of metadata errors. However, a decision was made in favor of business users who do not care about IDs at all.
Kind Regards,
P.S. I can try to help you with diagnostics of your issue if you want to email me your Excel specs
sergiy at opencdisc dot org
I'm currently trying to represent controlled terminology in the ValueLevel section for define.xml 2.0. The issue I'm seeing is in the WhereClauses tab of the Excel Spec the first column (ID) is being ignored and through the process within the Community tool it recreates this ID using the Value column. The problem with this occurred when I had an IN comparator and a value of DIABP, SYSBP for VSPOS and DIABP, PULSEPR, SYSBP for VSTRESU. Looking at the define.xml it recreated the ItemOID which now ends in DIABP-<some numbers> for both of these entries completely ignoring the ID I've already identified within the Excel Spec. This then combines the values across both items when viewed in the define.xml. The work around I currently have is making sure I don't start with the same values within the Value column. I'm confused on why the ID column is ignored and I'm wondering if anyone else has experienced similar issues when trying to represent other items within the ValueLevel section of the define.xml.