Forums: Troubleshooting and Problems
Hi Shalini,
A version of software is correct.
There are no actual changes in Validation Engine since version 2.1.2. Therefore P21C 2.2.o refers to Software Version as "2.1.2". All differences between P21C 2.1.2, 2.1.3 and 2.2.0 are in metadata or Validation Specifications.
You can find all details in CHANGELOG.txt files. A P21C root folder (with "Pinnacle 21 Community.exe" file) include CHANGELOG file for Software. A "...\components\config" folder has CHANGELOG file dedicated to validation configurations.
Thank you for reporting this issue!
Kind Regards,
I think the issue is that the contents of the Excel file are different when running interactively and when running from the CLI. Running interactively produces an Excel file which says "Software Version: 2.2.0", but running from the CLI produces an Excel file which says "Software Version: 2.1.2".
@scocca: Dave, did you really get the CLI of v.2.2 working? Any manual available?
Yes, we have the CLI working for SDTM and ADaM validation for P21 Community 2.2. The validator jar is validator-cli-2.1.5.jar. The most important thing we found is to invoke the Java executable that's packaged with P21 Community -- ...\Java32\bin\java.exe or ...\Java64\bin\java.exe -- rather than trying to just invoke "java" and hope that the system's Java version and configurations are compatible with what P21 Community is expecting.
Hi Team,
While using updated Pinnacle 21 Validator, in the excel file "Configuration" displaying Pinnace 21 [V2.2.0] but "Software Version" displaying the older version 2.1.2 (see example below) and provide the solution to fix this.
Configuration: …..\Pinnace 21 [V2.2.0]\components\config\SDTM 3.1.3 (FDA).xml
Define.xml: Not provided
Generated: 2017-05-12T04:48:00
NDF-RT Version: 2016-03-07
UNII Version: 2015-09-01
MedDRA Version: 15.1
CDISC CT Version: 2015-06-26
SNOMED Version: 2014-09-01
Software Version: 2.1.2
Thank you in advance,