b Brit


I installed WHODrug per instructions provided in the Pinnacle 21 online documentation. The WHODrug version.txt file states the version as

WHODRUG GLOBAL SDG September 1, 2020                        GLOBALSDGSep20     

The version name assigned by Pinnacle 21 is GLOBALB3Sep20. When I select it using the GUI everything runs as expected. When I use the command line interface and submit --whodrug.version=GLOBALB3Sep20 I get this error

Cannot find metadata version=GLOBALB3Sep20 in folder=/WHODRUG

I notice that the folder where WHODrug is installed is named /WHODD. Does this matter?

Any suggestions for how to solve this? Thanks.

Forums: Troubleshooting and Problems

r Robert
on October 29, 2020

Thank you for the question. It sounds as if an incorrect dictionary has been installed.
With Community, you'll need to use GLOBAL B3 dictionary files instead of SDG.

The version.txt file in correct dictionary folder will be: "WHODRUG GLOBAL B3 September 1, 2020 GLOBALB3Sep20"
Please let me know if there is anything more I can do to help,

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