r ranganath


We are getting the issue 'No internet connection error', while trying to execute the Pinnacle 21 version 3.0 in Cloud environment. Can you please suggest to run the pinnacle21 to fire wall on the cloud.



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Forums: Troubleshooting and Problems

m Mike
on July 22, 2019

the GUI can run offline so you can ignore that message.   If you want to run the CLI, you must have a connection.   However the reason your connection is blocked is not Pinnacle Community specific.  you would need to contact your network admin to allow the traffic outbound.

r ranganath
on July 24, 2019

Our server does not allow direct Internet access and outbound internet traffic needs to be routed through a proxy server.  Can the GUI or CLI be configured to specify a proxy server? Could confirm the outbound traffic that needs to be allowed (Ex: IP address, DNS names etc.)

j John
on July 25, 2019

In trying to eliminate the internet connection error report we've been working with our network teams.  It has been determined that the application is not proxy aware (ie the traffic cannot be pushed to the proxy server to gain access to the required aws hosted services).   The traffic is treated as a normal traffic and the site is blocked based on the site.  Unfortunately for larger organizations there is not a manageable solution to allow this type of traffic on normal internet gateways and this must be managed by connecting via a proxy server.  Can you provide instructions or an eta for an application update to allow P21 Community become proxy aware.

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