Forums: Troubleshooting and Problems
This is a bug in v2.1.1. We'll release fix update soon.
Hi all,
I understand that this bug is triggered by terminology file... "SDTM Terminology.odm.xml". In this file, we can see the following. It indicates that CL.C66742.NY is applied to TSVALCD when TSPARM=RANDOM. It should be CL.C66742.NY.CD as this variable stores code.
<ItemDef OID="IT.TS.TSVALCD.RANDOM" Name="RANDOM" DataType="text" SASFieldName="TSVALCD">
<CodeListRef CodeListOID="CL.C66742.NY" />
The CT2004 ERROR message (TSVALCD value not found in 'No Yes Response' non-extensible codelist when TSPARMCD == 'RANDOM') is displayed when I use new Pinnacle 21 v 2.1.1 release, however it seems that my TS domain data is not wrong (regardless of C49488=Y or C49487=N). This issue is found in othe companies. Could you please check it?