d Dave


We are often required to validate using a specific version of the OpenCDISC engine, so we have historically kept multiple versions of OpenCDISC side-by-side; we have a folder containing subfolders opencdisc-validator-1.3, opencdisc-validator-1.4, opencdisc-validator-1.5, etc., which are the names of the original zipped files we downloaded. 

It looks like OpenCDISC Community 2.0 now comes as an un-numbered "opencdisc-community" folder.  Is the intent that versions of the validator beyond 2.0.0 will be deployed within this same folder structure? Or if we expect to want multiple versions available simultaneously, would it be wise to set up our own naming/versioning convention for the opencdisc-community folder?

Forums: Troubleshooting and Problems

s Sergiy
on February 4, 2015

Hi Dave, 

All OpenCDISC versions v1.xx included the same single Validator. In OpenCDISC Community 2.0 we introduced additional tools and changed data validation process. It led to a new folder structure.

Our plan is to make more frequent releases of new versions and regular Auto-Updates. Auto-Updates are intended to be deployed over existing files, rather than by creation of new stand-alone folders. It's similar to Windows updates.

New tools and new functionality are our priority. It may require a different folder structure across versions.

Kind Regards, 


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