Forums: Troubleshooting and Problems
Thank you for the question.
How was the excel specification file created?
Was it created from Pinnacle 21 Community, or did it come from another source?
I had a similar error when I try generating the Define.xml for SDTM data. The excel spec template was created using the XPT.Files. How can I fix this issue?
Thank you for your message.
Could you please post your error so that we can investigate it?
Many thanks, Rob
I also have this message when I try to generate the define.xml from an Excel specifications file (this file has been generated with Pinnacle from xpt datasets).
Had the former problems been solved ? What was the solution(s) ?
Thank you for asking.
Could you please send the specification file that causes this error to so that we can investigate?
Thank you,
Hello Rob,
Thanks for your offer
I actually found out what the problem was. Here I'll try to explain, should other persons come up against the same problem:
I had some information written in the 'Datasets' sheet (columns B to F) but without a name for that dataset in the first column.
I just had to remove the redundant part and everything was back to normal :)
Failed define converter process. infos=DefineConversionInfo{dataPackage=DataPackage{standard=Input{value=StandardType{value=Undefined, name=UNDEFINED}, userProvided=true, empty=false}, standardVersion=StringInput{value=, userProvided=false, empty=true}, meddraVersion=StringInput{value=, userProvided=false, empty=true}, sdtmCtVersion=StringInput{value=, userProvided=false, empty=true}, qrsCtVersion=StringInput{value=, userProvided=false, empty=true}, adamCtVersion=StringInput{value=, userProvided=false, empty=true}, sendCtVersion=StringInput{value=, userProvided=false, empty=true}, ndfrt=StringInput{value=, userProvided=false, empty=true}, unii=StringInput{value=, userProvided=false, empty=true}, whodrug=StringInput{value=, userProvided=false, empty=true}, snomed=StringInput{value=, userProvided=false, empty=true}, projectName=StringInput{value=, userProvided=false, empty=true}, studyName=StringInput{value=, userProvided=false, empty=true}, groupName=StringInput{value=, userProvided=false, empty=true}, dataPackageName=StringInput{value=, userProvided=false, empty=true}, source=FileDS{path=D:\Biostatistics\IN\BS\CDISC\LIVE PROJECTS\xxxxxxx\xxxxxxxxxx\PROGRAMMING\SPECS\sdtm_spec.xlsx, schema=FILE, cleanup=false, valid=true}, standardFilter=Input{value=ALL, userProvided=false, empty=true}, sourceFormatType=Input{value=DEFINE_SPEC, userProvided=true, empty=false}, sourceDelimiter=StringInput{value=, userProvided=false, empty=true}, sourceQualifier=StringInput{value=, userProvided=false, empty=true}, createAlways=Input{value=true, userProvided=false, empty=true}, engineVersion=Input{value=1903.1, userProvided=false, empty=false}, engineFolder=provided, downloadConfig=Input{value=true, userProvided=true, empty=false}}, excelFile=FileDS{path=D:\Biostatistics\IN\BS\CDISC\LIVE xxxxx\xxxxxxxxxxxxxx\PROGRAMMING\SPECS\sdtm_spec.xlsx, schema=FILE, cleanup=false, valid=true}, xmlFile=FileDS{path=D:\Users\xxxxxxxxxxxx\Documents\Pinnacle 21 Community\defines\define-2020-05-07T19-03.xml, schema=FILE, cleanup=false, valid=false}}