m Matt



I'm using POOLID instead of USUBJID for all of FW and a handful of records in LB in a SEND submission.  When I ran the latest validator (2.1.2) on the submission, it's identifying all those records as duplicate records.  In the Variables column of the report it shows that it's evaluating it based on the USUBJID column (all NULL values) and not the POOLID column.

I know I can ignore this, but it's probably something that shouldn't be warned about if the POOLID is present and populated.


Forums: Troubleshooting and Problems

d Debra
on August 19, 2016

I agree.  Is there a way to adapt the rule so that it looks for USUBJID (and test) and if it isn't there, then POOLID (and test) instead of looking at null values in USUBJID and outputting it as an issue?  [I add "and test" for the instance where, say, water is ad lib so it's POOLID but food is restricted so it uses USUBJID.]

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