k Kim



I validated my data using P21 v3.0 and got an error for DD0001 which I believe is incorrectly implemented:

Duplicate unique value [2] declared for identity constraint "UC-CL-2" of element "CodeList".

Specifically, it is due to the attribute RANK for element EnumeratedItem not being unique among values in a code list.

When I look at the define.xml v2.0 specification it says:

Numeric significance of the EnumeratedItem relative to others in the CodeList.
Business Rule:
If this value is provided for any EnumeratedItem, it must be provided for all.
Note that the Rank attribute does not imply a display order.

The specification normally states specifically, if a value needs to be unique so my interpretation is that RANK would not need be unique.

Any thoughts?

Br Kim

Forums: Troubleshooting and Problems

j Jozef
on June 19, 2019

"UC-CL-2" is a constraint in the XML-Schema of define-xml 2.0, but it is ONLY for "OrderNumber". From the XML-Schema:

<xs:element name="CodeList" type="ODMcomplexTypeDefinition-CodeList">
        <xs:unique name="UC-CL-1">
            <xs:selector xpath="odm:CodeListItem"/>
            <xs:field xpath="@CodedValue"/>
        <xs:unique name="UC-CL-2">
            <xs:selector xpath="odm:CodeListItem"/>
            <xs:field xpath="@OrderNumber"/>

So I wonder why you get such an error when you have duplicate values for the "Rank" attribute (which in my opinion is allowed).
The only thing I can imagine is that they changed the XML-Schema, which is a mortal sinn ;-).

I will try to find out whether the XML-Schema was changed.

Are you sure that you don't have a duplicate "OrderNumber" in your codelist?

With best regards,

Jozef Aerts
CDISC Define-XML Development Team


k Kim
on July 3, 2019

I am very confident that i don't have duplicate "OrderNumber" in my codelist. It is related to "Rank" attribute.

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