Forums: Troubleshooting and Problems
Sorry, I accidentally send it midway.
The command I submitted is like below:
command = f'"{java}" -jar "{jar}" --engine.version="{engine_version}" --standard={standard} --standard.version={standard_version} --source.sdtm="{source_sdtm}" --source.define="{source_sdtm_define}" --cdisc.ct.sdtm.version={cdisc_ct_sdtm_version} --meddra.version={meddra_version} --ndf-rt.version={ndf_rt_version} --unii.version={unii_version} --report="{report}"'
And I also got to know that this kind of duplication doesn't happen when I write down datasets seprately each by each for "--source.sdtm" option, that is, for example, --source.sdtm="C:\xpt\adsl.xpt;C:\xpt\adae.xpt;C:\xpt\adcm.xpt;". If I use the folder path like --source.sdtm="C:\xpt", the duplication occurs.
Is this a well known issue? Or, was my command wrong?
I'm trying to validate SDTM/ADaM package using CLI of Community.
I found that the validation results are inconsistent with the results obtained from typical GUI validation, and I also found that the records from all data sources are doubled (read twice), which I guess resulted in the discrepancy. I noticed this issue when I looked at the "Dataset Summary" sheet, and found that in each "Source" field has the same dataset name written twice (like "adae.xpt, adae.xpt"), and each "Records" field has also the doubled value than reality.
The command I submitted is like below: