m Megha


Hi Gerard, thank you for answering my previous question.

Here is my another question:

You have follwoing check in config_sdtm_1.5.xml for EQ-5D-5L testcds

val:Lookup ID="CT0181" Message="Value for QSTESTCD not found in (EQ-5D-5L TESTCD) CT codelist" Description="Question Short Name (QSTESTCD) variable values must be populated with terms found in 'European Quality of Life Five Dimension Five Level Scale Test Code' (C101818) CDISC controlled terminology codelist, when Category for Question (QSTCAT) is 'EQ-5D-5L' (European Quality of Life Five Dimension Five Level Scale Questionnaire. New values cannot be added into the CDISC CT non-extensible codelist.)" Category="Terminology" Type="Error" Variable="CDISCSubmissionValue == QSTESTCD" When="QSCAT == 'EQ-5D-5L'" Where="CodelistCode == 'C101818'" WhereFailure="IGNORE" From="FILE:CDISC:%System.ConfigDirectory%/data/CDISC/SDTM/%System.CDISC.Version%/QS Terminology.txt" /> 

Why don't you have similar checks for ACQ (Asthma Controlled Quessionaire) testcds as well? Is there any specific reason?. You have included ACQ as the QSCAT in the 2015-12-18 terminology file but there is no corresponding check to test testcds belonging to this category in config file for both 1.5 and 2.01 versions



Forums: Troubleshooting and Problems

g Gerard
on March 15, 2016


The CT0181 rule you are referring to (along with all of the other CT rules) have been replaced by a much more simple set of checks. CT200(1-6). These rules cover all codelists within a particular controlled terminology, such as 2015-12-18. You can see all of these rules inside one of your validation reports using SDTM and the latest version of Pinnacle 21 Community. I believe the rule in particular you are interested in is the CT2001 rule which has this description: 

CT2001: "-- value not found in '--' non-extensible codelist "

 - Variable must be populated with terms from its CDISC controlled terminology codelist. New terms cannot be added into non-extensible codelists.


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