Forums: Define.xml
Hi Venkata,
Could you ensure that your define.xml file has a correct reference to data standard?
For ADaM you should have
Kind Regards,
Sergiy (page 8)
To extend / better explain Sergiy's very short answer ...
ADaM does NOT have splitted datasets ...
It looks as the validator is thinking that this is an SDTM or SEND submission (that is what Sergiy is trying to say) and thus thinks, based on the first two characters being the same for different datasets, that these are "splitted" datasets. But then it should also throw another error stating that the dataset name may not be longer than 4 characters. Do you get such an error?
Anyway, as Sergiy states and demonstrates, it is important that you indicate in your define.xml what type of submission this is: SDTM, SEND or ADaM.
Changing "def:StandardName" to "ADAM-IG" and providing a correct (ADaM) version value in def:StandardVersion should resolve this. If not, please let us know.
Don't know how to change this? There are very good define.xml editors with GUIs on the market, but also NotePad++ would do.
If i open xml and see i can see the below:
and i still get the error message. In xml file view i can see something like below:
Does the xml view need to have both Standard name and version?
Your XML looks fine to me.
I could however not reproduce the error with files named ADQSADAS and ADQSADA2 in the define.
Are you sure you selected the right dropdown for "Data Standard" in the GUI?
Pinnacle21: any idea what can have wrong otherwise?
Yes, def:StandardName and def:StandardVersion are both required in the define.xml, but whether you see both in the browser depends on your stylesheet.
Hi Venkata,
It looks like a bug in our validator. I replicated your case and we have started working for fixing it.
Thank you for reporting this issue!
Kind Regards,
May I ask, what version of Community are you using? Also, what Data Standard and Engine are you selecting for validation?
I tested this and verified that this is in fact, a bug. I've created an internal ticket to track this. Thanks for reporting it. For now, you can safely ignore this validation message and explain it in your reviewer's guide.
Product Manager
Thanks a lot Trevor and Serigy,
relaxed now :-)
I get the error "Missing Alias" in define.xml for a few ADaM datasets and i do not have any split datasets along with "Domain/SASDatasetName mismatch for split dataset" for the same datasets names:
is it because of the first 3 letters being the same for different datasets and it assumes it is a split dataset?
How to get rid of this error?