Forums: Validation Rule Suggestions
Sure. The new rule should be something like "All SETCD/ARMCD values in DM domain should be populated in terms of SETCD/TXVAL values from TX domain records, where TXVAL='ARMCD'"
Thanks for your check suggestion!
Kind Regards,
Actually, you could break the rule in 2:
1. "All SETCD values in DM domain should be populated in terms of SETCD values from TX domain records" and the other way around. SETCD appears as SEND variable in TX.
2. "All ARMCD values in DM domain should be populated in terms of TXVAL values from TX domain records, where TXPARMCD='ARMCD'". ARMCD appears as trial set parameter and its content feeds TXVAL when TXPARMCD contains ARMCD.
What about a combination of two values SETCD/ARMCD?
We need this check anyway, and it also covers your two checks.
Hi all,
Wouldn't be usefull a cross-check for ARMCD and SETCD values between DM and TX?
Currently I can have one set of values for ARMCD/SETCD in DM.xpt and different ones in TX.xpt and no consistency error/warning is reported...