m Matt



I am using OpenCDISC to generate the define.xml file for a submission.  Under the configuration drop down, there is no option for SEND even though it's available under the Validate Data option.  So I select the config-sdtm-3.1.2-amend-1.xml option and generate. 

The define.xml generates, but it appears to be missing information on SEND specific variables.  Is there a way to have it automatically provide those?  Or do I have to manually edit the define.xml to add that information?


Forums: SEND

s Sergiy
on August 13, 2012


The current define.xml tool is limited to the SDTM standard only. We will release a new more comprehansive version soon.

Best Regards, 


b Bedeoan
on October 29, 2012

Hello all,

I was wondering if we should expect soon some progress related to the generation of define.xml for SEND datasets?

Best regards,




s Sergiy
on October 29, 2012

Hi Amelia, 

Yes, we plan to release a new define.xml tool soon after the define.xml version 2 standard will be finalized.

I am not sure if SEND requires any additional special features compare to SDTM.



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