s Sean


Hello all,  I am a C# .Net developer and I want to launch the jar executable and return to IE the log file of the validation like the GUI interface client.bat works.  I tried doing the following for example: 

java -jar lib/validator-gui-1.3.jar -source "C:\raw_data\AIN457\AIN457F2208\cmed\current\aev.txt" -input 1 -config "C:\Applications\opencdisc-validator\config\config-sdtm-3.1.1.xml" -log "C:\Applications\opencdisc-validator\config\seanlog.csv"

This opens up the GUI interface but the source textbox is empty and it says waiting to run.   My goal is to test a dmg.txt file and parse it with the validator and if possible show the results in the browser or even just bring up the csv log file it created via the GUI.  Anyone launched this at all via the command shell or .net for that matter?

Forums: SDTM

s Sergiy
on May 23, 2012

Hi Sean,

Your command looks incorrect. See an example on:  http://www.opencdisc.org/forum/running-opencdisc-sas-batch


Sergiy Sirichenko


s Sean
on May 23, 2012

I tried the following but what happens is the GUI opens and the textbox for the source data shows nothing in that textbox and it says at the bottom 'waiting to begin'.  Same happens with the command prompt such as this that does open the GUI.  Also of course no log file is created and the resources directory is in the same report path.

Cmd Prompt:

java -jar lib/validator-gui-1.3.jar -source "C:\raw_data\AIN457\AIN457F2208\cmed\current\aev.txt" -config "C:\Applications\opencdisc-validator\config\config-sdtm-3.1.1.xml" -report "C:\Applications\opencdisc-validator\config\seanlog.xls"

.Net C# Code:

  System.Diagnostics.Process process = new System.Diagnostics.Process();
        System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo startInfo = new System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo();
        startInfo.WindowStyle = System.Diagnostics.ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden;
        startInfo.FileName = "java";
        startInfo.Arguments = @"-jar C:\Applications\opencdisc-validator\lib\validator-gui-1.3.jar -source C:\raw_data\AIN457\AIN457F2208\cmed\current\aev.txt -config C:\Applications\opencdisc-validator\config\config-sdtm-3.1.1.xml -report C:\Applications\opencdisc-validator\config\seanlog.xls";
        startInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
        startInfo.CreateNoWindow = false;
        startInfo.RedirectStandardInput = true;
        process.StartInfo = startInfo;

s Sean
on May 23, 2012

Also I failed to mention this is a pipe delimited text file I have for this so maybe need more commands and that is the issue.

s Sergiy
on May 23, 2012

See an example on the bottom:


s Sergiy
on May 23, 2012


Your command is still incorrect. Please refer to the first example I provided:

Not "java -jar lib/validator-gui-1.3.jar"

Use "java -jar validator.jar"

You call GUI, rather than command line application


s Sean
on May 23, 2012

I tried that before and it says the "-in" is not recognized as an internal command etc.

s Sean
on May 23, 2012

I only have validator-api-1.3.jar, validator-cli-1.3.jar, validator-core-1.3.jar, validator-gui-1.3.jar.  I changed it to the api one but still it does not like the 'in' argument.


java -jar lib/validator-api-1.3.jar -src "C:\raw_data\AIN457\AIN457F2208\cmed\current\aev.txt" -dlm | -in 2 -cfg "C:\Applications\opencdisc-validator\config\config-sdtm-3.1.1.xml" -report "C:\Applications\opencdisc-validator\config\seanlog.xls"

s Sergiy
on May 23, 2012

Sorry. I think, you need validator-cli-1.3.jar

s Sean
on May 23, 2012

Looks like it is the cli jar but now I am getting -config does not point to a valid resource.  I did a -h on it and it does have -source, -config and -report

s Sergiy
on May 23, 2012


This is an example of my .bat file. Use '='. 


cd C:\...\opencdisc-validator\lib 

java -jar validator-cli-1.2.1.jar -source="C:\...\dm.xpt" config="C:\...\opencdisc-validator\config\config-sdtm-3.1.1.xml" -report="c:\...\report.xls"



Sergiy Sirichenko


s Sean
on May 24, 2012

so that worked better but I am now getting a new error does anything look incorrect with this below?  The error comes up now:

Missing config:

Configuration Unavailable

When I validate via the GUI it shows errors etc. as expected and the config is found.  When I run below I get the unknowns in the excel file and missing config.

java -jar lib/validator-cli-1.3.jar -type="SDTM" -source="C:\raw_data\AIN457\AIN457F2208\cmed\current\aev.txt" -source:type="Delimited" -source:delimiter="|" -config="C:\Applications\opencdisc-validator\config\config-sdtm-3.1.1.xml"  -report="C:\Applications\opencdisc-validator\config\seanlog.xls"  -report:overwrite="yes"

s Sean
on June 4, 2012

I posted my last reply but still having issues where when using the cli it is throwing a configuration error as shown in my last post.  Thanks all

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