You could get this for a couple reasons. Either AD0061 couldn't execute because you didn't submit exposure domain with your data.
AD0061: SDTM.EX is present and neither ADSL TRTSDT nor TRTSDTM are present (Presence/Error/null)
Or you submitted a NON BDS file. Basically a file that does not have at least one of these variables
Let me know which scenario it was.
Mike DiGiantomasso
OpenCDISC community developer
Hello Mike.
I got the same "MISSING_CONFIG" note when i provided both DM & EX data sets while validating ADaM V1.0 datasets.
Regarding your second comment, do you mean that OpenCDISC for ADaM is only applicable for BDS data?
Short answer: OpenCDISC for ADaM is applicable for ADSL and BDS data.
Long answer:
the OpenCDISC configurations are compliant with the
May I know if it's allowed in AdAM to derive AVAL from character ---ORRES data and use AVALC to keep original ---ORRES data?
Thank you,
Why not? Until you still have one-to-one relationship between AVAL and AVALC.
Can you give us an update on the logic used by Pinnacle21 for identifying the various dataset types? For BDS it indicates only one of the variables needs to be present, but does it check if it has at least PARAMCD/PARAM and AVAL/AVALC, and one of the date fields? How about ADMH? What are the minimum requirements to check ADMH as an OCCDS dataset? Any other updates for ADTTE, and ADAM OTHER? When will you be renaming ADAM OTHER to OCCDS?
Hi OpenCDISC support and members,
In the process of validating ADaM datasets and get the following warning message for each dataset.
Message: Configuration Unavailable
Category: System
Type: Warning
Searched this site and forums and could not find any reference to this warning.
Appreciate insight on what is causing this warning and consider including in Reviewer's Guide.
Song Park