s Sergey



I want to create define.xml using P21 metadata. When I try to get Excel Spec for ADaM using XPORT Datasets or already completed define.xml with analysis results section, I get a filled Spec but without analysis results. How should analysis results worksheet looks like in metadata created by P21 Community?

Thank you.

Forums: Define.xml

d Dmitry
on May 15, 2019

As far as I know P21C does not support ARM (unless it was added in 3.0.0) and therefor you cannot create an Excel with ARM metadata in it. You need to use P21 Enterprise or other tools to create/add ARM to the define.xml (e.g., the one generated by P21 Community).

s Sergey
on May 16, 2019

Thanks, I hoped it was added in 3.0.0. 

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