d Don


Is there a way to invoke and run OpenCDISC in DOS batch from SAS?





Forums: SDTM

s Sergiy
on April 23, 2012

1. Use the following example:

java -jar "C:\...\opencdisc-validator-1.3\lib\validator-cli-1.3.jar" -source="C:\..." -config="C:\...\opencdisc-validator-1.3\config\config-sdtm-3.1.2.xml" -report="C:\...\reports\sdtm-validation-report-test.xls" 

2. This documentation is slightly outdated, but can still be  helpful: http://www.opencdisc.org/projects/validator/using-opencdisc-validator 

3. java -jar "...\opencdisc-validator-1.3\lib\validator-cli-1.3.jar" -help

d Don
on May 8, 2012

How do I modify the below example to handle more than one xpt file in the -source pararmeter??  For Example, I would like to add the xpt files needed for cross-validation...

>java -jar validator.jar -source "C:\Documents and Settings\User\Datasets\lb.xpt" -input 1 -config "C:\Documents and Settings\User\validator\config\config-sdtm-3.1.1-janus.xml" -log "C:\Documents and Settings\User\log.xml"


Don Hurst



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