b Bedeoan


Some rule suggestions in relation to:

- "SD0023" - "Missing value for --STAT, when --REASND is provided";

- SD0036 - "Missing value for --STRESC, when --ORRES is provided";

- SD0047 - "Missing value for --ORRES, when --STAT or --DRVFL is not populated";

- SD0048 - "Value for --ORRES is populated, when --STAT is 'NOT DONE'";


Please comment if the suggestions are not valid for some reason:

1. When --STAT="NOT DONE", --STRESC should also be empty (like --ORRES).

2. When --STAT is provided, --REASND should also be provided (reciprocity for SD0023?).


Forums: Validation Rule Suggestions

s Sergiy
on May 8, 2012

Hi Amelia, 

Thanks for suggested new checks. We will explore them using real data before implementation.

Best Regards, 

Sergiy Sirichenko

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