s Snehal



I am getting the label mismatch error for variable "TRTSEQP", for label='Planned Sequence of Treatments' and "TRTSEQPN" , label='Planned Sequence of Treatments (N)' for ADVS. These variables are created as per ADaM IG 1.0.  Could you please explain why I am getting these mismatch errors, am I missing on anything?



Forums: ADaM

s Sergiy
on September 6, 2017

Hi Shehal, 

Please check for invisible characters (like extra or trailing space characters) in your variable labels. Also you can send an empty dataset for diagnostics.



ssirichenko at pinnacle21 dot net

s Sergiy
on September 29, 2017


s Snehal
on October 24, 2017

Thanks for the reference link.

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