Hi Abdul,
Now "non-ASCII characters" check is applied only to variables which values were designed to be new variable names and labels during a potential data transpose process. It includes --TESTCD/--TEST in Findings domains, --PARMCD/--PARM (?) and QNAM/QLABEL.
TI domain is not Findings domain. There is no need to transpose TI records. That's why SD1029 check is not applicable for TI domain.
Few mathematical symbols like >= and unit values like uL(microliter) are present in value of IETEST in TI domain. Pinnacle(v 3.2) does not throw an error for non-ascii and non-printable chars for TI domain, but in the IE it seems that there is a validation rule to check IETEST values and it threw an error FDAC241 in IE stating non-ascii or non-printable chars are present in the text.
Is it something that tool does not check for non-ascii or non-printable char in TI domain(or entire Trial Design)?