m Miguel


This rule The primary variable -- is not populated but its corresponding variable -- is populated covers some variable exceptions like TRTPN. I think it's reasonable to include TRTAN like an exception. I cannot see why TRTAN can get an error but not TRTPN. Could you take a look to this issue? Thanks. Miguel

Forums: ADaM

m Michael
on October 7, 2014

These are exceptions because there are already rules which would trigger issues when those variables are not populated.  The idea is to not raise multiple errors for same logical issue.    Because TRTA is not required, i do not list TRTAN as an exception because if TRTAN is a numeric description of TRTA, then you better include the variable you are describing numerically.   Does this make sense ?


  1. *FN - AD0007 *FL variable is not populated but its corresponding *FN variable is populated
  2. TRTPN - TRTP is a required variable already, do not raise 2 errors for the same issue
  3. TRT01PN - TRT01P is a required variable already, do not raise 2 errors for the same issue
  4. PARAMN - PARAM s a required variable already, do not raise 2 errors for the same issue
  5. AVALC - only required to have AVAL or AVALC
  6. BASEC - only required to have BASE or BASEC


m Miguel
on October 8, 2014

Thanks Michael.

TRTP/N and TRTA/N have the same kind of function, i.e. to describe the treatment. If TRTP is required and TRTA is conditionally required, that's not relevant for the purpose of this issue.

For a crossover study when a record is not treatment period related, you could choose different approaches, one of them and I can recognize maybe it's not the best one is to set TRTPN=99, TRTP null, TRTAN=99 and TRTA null. I think it doesn't make sense to get an error for TRTA/N but not for TRTP/N.

m Michael
on October 8, 2014

It's possible because TRTP is required, i thought AD1008 would fire when it's null and that's why i excluded it from AD1011.   But not all required variables in ADaM need to be populated such as TRTP.   Perhaps the exclusion of TRTPN should be removed so that when it's populated, TRTP should be populated.   Then it would match TRTA/N

m Miguel
on October 9, 2014

I would prefer not receive any error, neither for TRTP/N nor TRTA/N.
m Michael
on October 9, 2014

I see.   What is the use case for having only TRTPN and TRTAN ?   The guide says that "N" is the numeric representation of TRTP/A.    So wouldn't you need to have the original character representation too ?

j Jeroen
on February 9, 2017

Dear all,

As mentioned here already, ADaM variables considered as 'Required' does not mean they should be populated.
So for the error to fire in case of presence but not being populated while the secondary variable is populated, TRTP, TRT01P, and PARAM should be removed from the list of exceptions.
Can this adjustment be made in any of the following releases?

With regards,


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