j John



When doing an ADaM dataset validation with a define document then several datasets may not be processed due to them being ADaM "Other" or non-AdaM. Will the software always also yield SD0061 errors for each of these - Domain mention in define but does not exist?

Forums: ADaM

m Michael
on February 16, 2016


j John
on February 17, 2016

Just wanted to let you know I have updated my query above
m Michael
on February 17, 2016

This is fixed in 2.1.0 with AD9999.   It's possible that check didn't make it into the last community release.   if not , it will be there in the next version.

Dataset -- not validated

Validation is defined only for ADSL, BDS, BDS-TTE and ADAE datasets. Other dataset structures are not currently supported. The ADaM team is working on a specification for a more general structure supporting analysis of incidence data, such as interventions and events.

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