This will be fixed in the next version. It should only require ADT or ADTM. You can fix AD0247 yourself by modifying the rule config to use parens and an @OR clause instead of @AND as in
AD0247: CNSR is populated but AVAL, STARTDT and one of [ADT, ADTM] are not populated
test = AVAL != '' @and STARTDT != '' @and (ADT != '' @or ADTM != '')
For AD0245, this may have to be split back out as 2 separate checks which is unfortunate.
AD0245: CNSR is present,then STARTDT and one of (ADT or ADTM) must be present
Is it possible to update rule AD0246 to allow for either STARTDT or STARTDTM to be present? We have a dataset that relies on times. We have only defined STARTDTM and ADTM in the dataset. This should be permissible.
Hi, i have variable ADT (but no ADTM) in the ADAM TTE dataset but still get this error.