Hi Deepali,
FA is a domain name. FAxx is dataset or file name. You need to use DOMAIN="FA".
Kind Regards,
Hi Sergiy,
In FAxx domain I have doamin='FA' but in RELREC i set domain='FAxx' because I have more that one FAxx datasets.
e.g. one FACE, FAAE & FACM
in FACE: domain ='FA', in FAAE: Doamin='FA' , In FACM domain='FA'.
then in RELREC doamin I have RDOMAIN values 'FACE' for FACE, 'FAAE' for FAAE and 'FACM' for FACM. If I will set RDOMAIN to 'FA' for all these FAxx doamins then how will I figure out which FAxx relate to XX doamin.
SDTM IG 3.1.3 says " If a dataset-level RELREC is defined (e.g., between the CE and FACE datasets), then RDOMAIN may contain up to four characters to effectively describe the relationship between the CE parent records with the FACE child records."
Thanks & Regards,
Hi Deepali,
I beleive that this statement in SDTM IG is incorrect.
FACE is a dataset name for the split FA domain. By definition (SDTM IG #8.1.2 on page 257) RDOMAIN is "Related Domain Abbreviation" with CDISC Notes as "Two-character abbreviation for the domain of the parent record(s)."
Kind Regards,
I have three FA domain and in those DOMAIN value set to FA. what should be the value for Rdoamin in RELREC. currently I setted to FAxx but then I am getting SD0072 error.
Thanks & Regards