b Bhaskaran


Hi am getting the follosing erros for the DTYPE variable using validator Version 1.5 for Definexml V2.0:

xpath Variables Values

//CodeList[@OID='CL.DTYPE']/Alias[1] @Name C81224


Please see the below code from the CDSIC example file:

<CodeList OID="CL.DTYPE" Name="Derivation Type" DataType="text">

        <CodeListItem CodedValue="LOCF">


            <TranslatedText xml:lang="en">Last Observation Carried Forward</TranslatedText>


          <Alias Name="C81198" Context="nci:ExtCodeID"/>


        <Alias Name="C81224" Context="nci:ExtCodeID"/>



When am running the define.xml file with openCDISC validator, It throws an error "CL.DTYPE :C81224 : C-Code not found in CDISC Controlled Terminology" in the output file.

We don't know whether the OpenCDISC validator check against the SDTM Terminology or ADAM terminology. So please add the options "SDTM" and "ADAM" for validating define.xml in the next verion of OpenCDISC validator.

Forums: ADaM

s Sergiy
on August 12, 2014

Hi Bhaskaran, 

Thank you for pointing out this deficiency in user interface of OpenCDISC Validator!

Yes, configurations for ADaM validation should include versions for both ADaM and SDTM Control Terminology. It will be changed in new version of Validator.

Kind Regards, 


s Sergiy
on August 12, 2014

Currently when you validate ADaM data, OpenCDISC user interface allows you specify ADaM CT only.  

b Bhaskaran
on August 14, 2014

Hi Sergin,

Which version of STDM control terminology sheet is used by OpenCDISC v1.5.

The validation report for one of our studies contains C-code error "C-Code not found in CDISC Controlled Terminology" for the following values: C17649, C20587, C25334, C41184, C41376, C42944, C44278, C48480, C48524, C48531, C48537, C48539, C48542, C48660, C49622, C49626, C78728, C96598.

All the above values are present in SDTM control terminology "SDTM Terminology 2012-12-21". 



s Sergiy
on August 14, 2014

Hi Bhaskaran!

Yes, unfortunately version of SDTM CT implemented in validation of define.xml is outdated.

It will be fixed in a new upcoming release.

Thank you for reporting this issue!

Kind Regards, 


b Bhaskaran
on August 26, 2014

Hi Sergiy,

Please add the drop down for Control Terminology versions in the user interface for Define.xml(ex: "CDISC CT:"), since the users able to select the CT version they needed.



b Bhaskaran
on September 23, 2014

Hi Sergiy,

Please let me know which version of control terminology your using for define.xml validator in OpenDISC V1.5




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