Forums: Define.xml
@Ryan, did you ever get an answer to this?
I am a bit surprised, as the validator is written in Java, and Java has no problems with this. For example:
String testString = ".04";
double d = 0.0;
try {
d = (new Double(testString)).doubleValue();
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("String = " + testString + " cannot be converted to a double");
System.out.println("d = " + d);
gives as output:
d = 0.04
When validating the LB domain with the define.xml file, we came across a peculiar false positive for the SD1230 check in Community.
The message is "LBORRES datatype is not float when (LBCAT == 'HEMATOLOGY') @and (LBTESTCD == 'BASO' @or LBTESTCD == 'EOS') " and it references the Basophil LBORRES value being ".04".
However upon checking the define.xml, the data type for this value level was already "float" due to the decimal so this is a contradictory validation message.
Upon experimenting with the decimal value in the LB dataset and rerunning Pinnacle we found that a lead zero preceding the decimal ("0.04") did not trigger check SD1230 and that any decimal without the lead zero did trigger it.
This check should probably be updated as sites do not always the enter the lead zero in their lab decimal result. "0.04" and ".04" should both be considered float.
Not sure if this is right place to report a validation issue but just wanted to report what we encountered.