n Nari



Configuration: ~\Pinnacle 21 Community\configs\2304.3\SEND-IG-DART 1.1 (FDA).xml

CDISC SEND CT Version: 2024-03-29

Validation Engine Name: FDA 2304.3

Software Version: 4.0.2



Dart 1.1 で作成したデータセット、define2.1のdefine.xmlについて上記の環境でバリデーションを実施したところ、
Dart 1.1 Implementation Guideの内容とは一致しない、または修正内容が不明なIssueがございましたのでバリデーション結果の正誤、修正内容についてご教示の程お願いします。

1)SEドメイン Pinnacle 21 ID=SE2377
Message=Missing SERPSTDY or SESTDY variable, when SESTDTC variable is present
⇒dart 1.1のImplementation GuideではSEドメインにRepro day変数の追加が必要という記載は無いが、上記Issueが表示されます。この結果は正しいでしょうか。

2)TXドメイン Pinnacle 21 ID=SE2366
Message=Invalid value for TXVAL for TRTDOS

3)devine.xml Pinnacle 21 ID=DD0138
Message=Referenced Standard is missing
<def:Standard OID="STD.SENDIG-DART 1.1" Name="SENDIG-DART" Type="IG" Version="1.1" Status="FINAL"/>

c Chikaaki
on May 8, 2024


1)SEドメイン Pinnacle 21 ID=SE2377
バグかと考えます、False PositiveでDRGでご説明ください。

2)TXドメイン Pinnacle 21 ID=SE2366
バグかと考えます、False PositiveでDRGでご説明ください。


n Nari
on May 9, 2024


CTについては、reportで上がっていたstandard typeと standard nameはCT通りです。



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m MinJi
on May 14, 2024

Hi, about 4) DD0124 issue, could you please check if codelists for other variables include only collected data?

Best practice is to have a codelist in the Define.XML contains all allowable values for that variable.


n Nari
on May 14, 2024

Thank you for your response.
No code list is defined for the variable where the issue is occurring.
For other variables where the issue is not occurring (e.g., BWBLFL), a code list "CL.Y" is set because they are collecting data.

<ItemDef OID="IT.DS.DSUSCHFL" Name="DSUSCHFL" DataType="text" Length="1"
               <TranslatedText>Unscheduled Flag</TranslatedText>
            <def:Origin Type="Assigned"/>

<ItemDef OID="IT.BW.BWBLFL" Name="BWBLFL" DataType="text" Length="1"
               <TranslatedText>Baseline Flag</TranslatedText>
            <CodeListRef CodeListOID="CL.Y"/>
            <def:Origin Type="Derived"/>

m MinJi
on May 16, 2024

Because the data was missing, the finding occurred.

Please explain the reason of the finding (data is missing) in RG.

n Nari
on May 16, 2024

If 'DSUSCHFL' is null for all records and 'Y' does not occur, which of the following actions would be appropriate?

1. Explain the reason in the SDRG without creating a code list.
2. Create a code list.

m MinJi
on May 16, 2024

Best practice is to have a codelist in the Define.XML contains all allowable values for that variable. (In other words, 2. create a code list.)

But, If 2(Create a code list.) is selected, the same logic should apply to other variables for consistency.

If task of 2 is burden, please select 1. (Explain the reason in the SDRG without creating a code list.)



n Nari
on May 17, 2024

Thank you for your reply. I have understood the content.

Best regards,

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