j Johanna


Dear all,

according to the Define-XML specification, the allowable values for "type" in MethodDef Element are "Computation" and "Imputation". The description for type is "Computation is intended to describe an algorithm to populate a value; Imputation is the process of replacing missing data with substitute values."

However, I never saw a Define where type="Imputation" was used (not even in the CDISC examples). Could you please help me in which cases "Imputation" should be used?

Thanks a lot!


Forums: Define.xml

j Jozef
on February 27, 2024

"Imputation" is typical for ADaM submissions. It should essentially not appear in SDTM or SEND submissions, as imputations are not allowed there.

This is one of the things that is very well treated during CDISC Define-XML trainings. The next one is during the CDISC European Interchange at the end of April in Berlin. There are still a few places available ...

j Johanna
on February 28, 2024

Hi Jozef,

Thanks a lot for your prompt response! Could you please help me with an example when "Imputation" should be used in ADaM submissions? Should it be used for any type of imputation (e.g. for AVAL when DTYPE is set or for date/time when date/time imputation flags are used)? I did the CDISC Define-XML training and in the provided examples always Computation was used. Even for methods like "AE.AESTDTC, converted to a numeric SAS date. Some events with partial dates are imputed in a conservative manner. If the day component is missing, a value of '01' is used. If both the month and day are missing no imputation is performed as these dates clearly indicate a start prior to the beginning of treatment. There are no events with completely missing start dates."

So I am confused when I should use it.


j Jozef
on February 28, 2024

I am not an ADaM specialist at all, so I can't help you here.
As your question has nothing to do with P21, my strong suggestion is to join the LinkedIn "CDISC Group" (https://www.linkedin.com/groups/56393/ - it "only" has 26,000 members), and ask your question there. I am sure there are several hundreds of ADaM experts there.

j Johanna
on February 28, 2024

Thanks for the tip!

v Vista
on November 28, 2024

Hi Johanna,I also have got the same question as yours. Have you ever got an answer now? Could please share in this topic? I will really appreciate for that~~

on December 10, 2024

Hi Vista, 

Here is an example. You have collected date with missing Day value like "2024-12". For your analysis you need to have complete date. So, you impute a complete date value per your SAP. 

The imputation algorithm should be justified and may varies depends on your intended analysis like 

  • the fist day of the month - "2024-12-01"
  • the last day of the month - "2024-12-31"
  • the middle day of the month or "15" - "2024-12-15"

Kind Regards,

v Vista
on December 11, 2024

Hi Sergiy, Thanks for your Example! I wonder, when I completed this kind of imputation, should then type of method "ASTDT" be  "Imputation". The example from CDISC website is "Computation" as Johanna metions on the top. And You also can find it on the following image from ADaM MSG Example With Define

astdt derived method

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