b Bedeoan


--------- System Information ---------
 Version: 1.4.1
     JRE: 1.7.0_01
      OS: Windows 7 6.1 amd64

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The variable USUBJID does not exist in this DataRecord
    at org.opencdisc.validator.data.DataRecord.getValue(DataRecord.java:130)
    at org.opencdisc.validator.data.DataSupplement.<init>(DataSupplement.java:59)
    at org.opencdisc.validator.engine.BlockValidator.prepare(BlockValidator.java:135)
    at org.opencdisc.validator.DefaultValidator.validate(DefaultValidator.java:420)
    at org.opencdisc.validator.gui.ValidatorClient$ProcessMonitor.run(ValidatorClient.java:1412)

Forums: SEND

t Tim
on February 27, 2014


The Validator seems to think that you don't have a USUBJID variable in your DM dataset, either because of a formatting problem in the file itself or an issue in the Validator that prevented it from handling the file correctly.

In either case we shouldn't be throwing an exception like that, so I'll see what can be done to prevent this from happening in the next release.


m Michael
on February 27, 2014

You are either missing USUBJID in file header (unlikely) or perhaps your delimiter is missing which makes it seem like USUBJID is missing ?


1234567 9999999 AB

1234567 9999999 AB

b Bedeoan
on February 28, 2014

Hi guys,


Thank you both for the input.

Actually I was trying to validate a SEND dataset in tab-delimited format.

So I specified "\t" in the delimiter field, as instructed in another post, but apparently the delimiter was not loaded properly and was interpreted as the empty string or something...

Having datasets with a tab delimiter is not so uncommon, I think; so it would be very helpfull to have this feature working properly.

All the best,


m Michael
on February 28, 2014

If you like, send me the actual file and i can take a look at it.   Or, just send the partial file with header and records which have the problem.    


One way to find out yourself though, does it open correctly in Excel ?  Excel should automatically parse tab delimited files.   if you can't get it to open in excel and have the column data where you expect it, then it's a general problem not related to OpenCDISC validator.

Also did you keep the qualifier as double quote "

I haven't read the entire thread, but is this a followup to your post a few weeks ago:  http://www.opencdisc.org/forum/source-format-delimited-tab


b Bedeoan
on March 3, 2014

Hi Michael,

I think the issue is related to the way the delimiter is specified on the UI. The tab delimited files are valid CSV files. The Oualifier has the default value and I fill in "\t" (without the quotes) in the Delimiter field, but I don't think it is processed properly...

Can you please let me know how to send you the files?

Best regards,



s Sergiy
on March 3, 2014

mike (at) opencdisc.org

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