p Paul


Does anyone know where I can find a complete enumeration of the validation rule types and syntax? 
I have read the 'OpenCDISC Validation Framework' article on this site but was hoping to get hold of more comprehensive documentation of the values the various attributes can take

Many thanks.

Forums: General Discussion

b Brad
on October 7, 2016


I am not sure if this is exactly what you are looking for, but we have recently published a new page for browsing all of the rules: https://www.pinnacle21.net/validation-rules/sdtm




p Paul
on October 7, 2016

Thanks Brad, I will bookmark the link for future reference.

However, what i am most interested in is the exact syntax of the validation rules. For example in the 'OpenCDISC Validation Framework' page in the downloads section it gives details such as: 

<val:Condition ID="id" Test="test expression" When="when expression"
    Type="type" Severity="severity" Warn="warn"/>

I would like to know what the syntax is for "test expression" and "when expression" and all expressions for all other attributes for each rule type. I have been trying to work them all out by examining the SDTM_3_1_3_FDA.XML file (part of the Pinnacle21 software download). By knowing the complete syntax of the rules, I hope to be able to adapt existing ones and hopefully write some of my own.

Many thanks again.


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