b Bedeoan


Rule SE0001 seems to be included in SD0007. See below:

SE0001 - "Inconsistent value for Standard Units" - Standard Units (--STRESU) variable values must be consistent for all records with same Short Name of Measurement, Test or Examination (--TESTCD) and  Specimen Type (--SPEC) variables values.

SD0007 - "Inconsistent value for Standard Units" - Standard Units (--STRESU) must be consistent for all records with same Short Name of Measurement, Test or Examination (--TESTCD), Category (--CAT), Specimen Type (--SPEC) and Method of Test or Examination (--METHOD).


<val:Unique ID="SE0001" Variable="%Domain%STRESU" GroupBy="%Domain%TESTCD,%Domain%SPEC" Matching="Yes" When="%Domain%STRESU != '' " Message="Inconsistent value for Standard Units" Description="Standard Units (--STRESU) variable values must be consistent for all records with same Short Name of Measurement, Test or Examination (--TESTCD) and  Specimen Type (--SPEC) variables values" Category="Consistency" Type="Error"/>

<val:Unique ID="SD0007" Variable="%Domain%STRESU" GroupBy="%Domain%TESTCD,%Domain%CAT,%Domain%SPEC,%Domain%METHOD" Matching="Yes" When="%Domain%STRESU != ''" Optional="%Domain%CAT,%Domain%SPEC,%Domain%METHOD" Message="Inconsistent value for Standard Units" Description="Standard Units (--STRESU) must be consistent for all records with same Short Name of Measurement, Test or Examination (--TESTCD), Category (--CAT), Specimen Type (--SPEC) and Method of Test or Examination (--METHOD)" Category="Consistency" Type="Error"/>


Forums: Validation Rule Suggestions

s Sergiy
on August 7, 2012


You are right. SE0001 check is redundant to current SD0007 check  and needs to be removed.

In previous versions of the validator, SD0007 checks for consistency of --STRESU withing --TESTCD and --CAT. That's why SE0001 was introduced. Later SD0007 was changed to include also --SPEC and --METHOD variables. Therefore as you pointed out, SE0001 is not needed anymore.

Thank you, 


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