c Carol


Having an SDTM variable as a value of QNAM does not appear to trigger any violation.  We had a SUPPVS with a QNAM value of VSREASND (of course VSREASND should have been a variable in VS and not placed in SUPPVS) but OpenCDISC didn't detect this problem.  Also, we had a SUPPEG with a QMAM value of EGEVAL, and the variable EGEVAL was already a variable in EG, but OpenCDISC did not detect this problem either.  When we used WebSDM we knew such problems existed because WebSDM would have a load failure if such situations existed.  It would save sponsors manual checking on the SUPP QNAM values if OpenCDISC could check for these problems.

Forums: Validation Rule Suggestions

s Sergiy
on May 21, 2012

Hi Carol, 

I think this is definitely a good check to be implemented. Another one could be QLABEL related.

Thank you, 

Sergiy Sirichenko

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