b Brian


Hi all,

     In the LB and VS domains, I'm getting SD2239 (Inconsistent value for -TPT).  I believe it's due to including a code multiple times on the same visit but not having time populated in the -DTC column.  I have specified unique -TPT and -TPTNUM.

Is there an additional variable to add or a way to modify the key in the Define.xml that might remove the issue?  


Forums: SDTM

on July 17, 2024

Hi Brian,


Our SME team is in the process of refining the rule so that SD2239 fires only if --DTC values contain both a date AND time, because if time is collected you should not have records for more than one time point. In the meantime, the rule can be explained. 


Kind regards,


j Jozef
on July 18, 2024

I have already obtained very many complaints from my customers regarding false positives for this rule.
The algorithm should be such that when only dates without times are present, the full date is compared.
When a date is compared with a datetime, the rule should do nothing when the date part differs.
In case a date and datetime is compared, and the date parts are the same, the message provided should NOT be "inconsistent value ...", but something like "not able to compare date with datetime for -TPT consistency".
With a good software implementation it should even easily be possible to compare partial dates, full dates, partial datimes and full datetimes when a message similar to "not able to compare ..." is used for the cases such comparison is not possible due to difference in granularity.

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