b Bedeoan


Hi all,

I was wondering if such a rule is actually needed:

<val:Condition ID="SD1010" Test="ELEMENT == ''" When="ETCD == 'UNPLAN'" Message="ELEMENT value is populated, when ETCD= 'UNPLAN'" Description="Description of Element (ELEMENT) should be NULL, when subject's experience for a particular period of time is represented as an unplanned Element, where Element Code (ETCD) is equal to 'UNPLAN'" Category="Consistency" Type="Warning"/>

Specially since TE ELEMENT is "Required" in SEND specs - so mandatory to be populated no matter what. Note that if we don't feed it when ETCD='UNPLAN', we will obviously get the warning: "NULL value in ELEMENT variable marked as Required".


Forums: Validation Rule Suggestions

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